
Jutta Vogel Foundation
Institute for Ethnology
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne

Represented by:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig

Phone: +49 221 470 76647

Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Board of the Jutta Vogel Foundation

Responsible supervisory authority:
District government of Cologne
Foundation directory of the state of NRW

Editorial collaboration: Renate Eichholz, Meike Meerpohl, Martina Gockel-Frank

Concept and design: weckdesign, Frederik Weck (Mainz / Cologne)

Photographs: Gertrud Boden, Edda Brandes, Kristin Broyhill, Catherine Collett, Marie-Theres Erz, Stefan Kröpelin, Tilman Lenssen-Erz, Issak Oukafi Cheikh, Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem, Katrin Schaumburg, Michael Schnegg, Farida Sellal, Jutta Vogel, Ralf Vogelsang, Hans-Peter Wotzka

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Logo: Silhouette einer Person mit Text: „Jutta Vogel Stiftung, Kulturerhalt in den Wüsten Afrikas“

Jutta Vogel Stiftung

Prof. Michael Bollig
Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 76647